
Zen Spa, Wellness and Beauty services

In our Zen Spa family wellness the relaxing vibes and harmony are palpable and you can feel the recharging energies. The swimming pool makes you feel like you are in a japanese lake in the mountains where the refreshing water falls down from the rocks.

It is 20 meters long and it widens in the middle where the depth of the water is convenient for the children as well. The sunshine is coming through the windows makes you feel you are bathing in the sun and you can also see the ZEN Garden from the inside. The shifting levels of the circular panoramic relax area is perfect for your recreation, where you can find sunbeds with a wonderful view to the ZEN Garden.

Japanese Tea tasting

„Japanese tea tasting with original Japanese tea leafs” – This sounds exciting for everyone specially the ones who take their teas in the usual Hungarian way. The Japanese tea tasting is truly a ritual, and we provide all the necessary elements in our Hotel. Enjoy the experience of a tea tasting to make your day memorable during your stay with us.

Programs in the Sauna

Our Finnish sauna provides you detoxitaion, and here we offer this experience to you in a very special way: In the winter you can see the snowy landscape, and in the summer you can enjoy a sunny and life-giving green view, sitting behind the glass surface, in an 85-95 degrees warm sauna.

Infrared sauna is also a salt chamber. Only after 30 minutes you will feel like a different person: your cells are cleansed, renewed, and the toxins are leaving your body. Feel the cleansing effect on your skin. If you use it regulary it even helps decreasing cellulite. If you wish to use the infrared sauna, please ask our colleagues to turn it on!

You must try our steam cabin! An intense experience with a 50 degrees humid air, which cleanse and detoxifies.

In our Aroma cabin even the children can enjoy the sauna experience with lower temperature, and you can feel the positive effect of the essential oils on your body and soul.

ZEN meditations

The ZA ZEN meditation is making you relax in your body and in your mind as well. You can feel the inner peace, relaxation and resting even after one participation in our meditation program. Because of these positive effects on your mind, you will see the world more beautiful, and also you can get rich with esoteric experiences.


Azon kívül, hogy a lábfürdő kitűnő relaxáló hatású és a halak mikro masszázsa kényeztet minket a víz alatt, egészségünkre is jó hatással van a halpedikűr. Ápol: már az első kezelés után érezhetően tisztul a bőr, feloldja a görcsös izomcsomókat, még a stressz oldásban is segít. A fürdőzők bőrkeményedéseit, elhalt hámrétegeit eltávolító halak kíméletesen és hatékonyan ápolnak. Pikkelysömör vagy egyéb bőrbetegségek esetén komoly életminőség-javulást jelenthet egy-egy kezelés. Gyerkőcök is igénybe vehetik!

ZEN spa treatments

According to the Easter Philosophy a person consists of the unity of these three things: the body, the mind, and the soul. Our body treatments are following this spirituality. It helps creating the harmony between the body, the mind, and the soul. Our Beauty treatments are providing convenience, relaxation and beauty.

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